AGI offers professional consulting to
solve environmental problems. We provide
high quality environmental services to
local, state and federal government
agencies, as well as to the private
AGI offers the following professional
environmental services:
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
- Asbestos and Lead Inspection and Abatement
- IEPA Site Remediation Program (SRP)
- Regulatory Compliance
- RCRA Closures and Landfill Closures
- Remediation Oversight
- Corrective Action Plans
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal or Abandonment Oversight
- Leaking Underground Storage Tank Inspections
- Phase III Site Characterizations
- Remediation Design
- Groundwater Modeling, Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling
- Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies
- Contaminant Migration Studies
- Site Specific Health and Safety Plans
- Emergency Response
- CCDD Testing
- Waste Characterization

AGI has worked with Metra on several railroad environmental remediation projects.